Wharf Stoppages in AU Nov 2023

Please see the below current update on the industrial action that is causing delays throughout all major Australia Wharf terminals.


The Protective Industrial Action at DP World Terminal that has caused volatile shipping schedules, delays and limited operating hours within the MUA division of the terminal last month will once again be having limited operations in the form of rolling shutdowns. 

As of today, these are the planned stoppages for November:

  1. Monday 6th November 2023- 13th November 2023
    • Stoppage starting at 0400hr
    • 2-hour stoppage starting at 1200hr
    • 2-hour stoppage starting at 2000hr
    • 8hr work halt after ship docks
    • Bans on overtime, extensions, call ins and upgrades
  2. Monday 6th Nov 0600hrs – Tuesday 7th Nov 0600hrs
    • 24hr Ban on loading and unloading trucks
  3. Friday 10th Nov 0600hrs – Saturday 11th Nov 0600hrs
    • 24hr Ban on loading and unloading trucks

Further to the actions ongoing at DP World Terminal, the West Gate Tunnel Project (WGTP) has caused bottlenecks to both travel and access to Patrick and DP World Terminal. This is further impacted by Footscray Road being currently down to one lane Eastbound and Westbound. 

Wurundjeri Way is also closed over the next three months. Being a key access point for HPFV (High Productivity Freight Vehicle) operators to travel from VICT at higher mass limits, this has caused hefty delays in spite of alternatives offered to transport operators.


The CFMEU has given notice to DP World Sydney of further Protected Industrial Action which includes the following.

  1. A stoppage of work of 24 hours Monday 6th November 0600AM – Tuesday 7th November 0600AM
  2. Ban on loading and unloading of trucks and trains Wednesday 8th November 0600AM – Thursday 9th November 0600AM and Friday 10th November 0600AM – Saturday 11th November 0600AM
  3. Stoppages of work of 1 hour duration from 0500-0600AM, 1300-1400PM, and 2100-2200PM each day starting from Monday 6th November 0600 and finishing Monday 13th November 0600

Issue Impact: All Road and Rail operations will be stopped during these hours, further detail regarding time zones affected will be published as soon as I have worked through practicalities.


3rd November – 4th November at 0700hr

  1. Old yard operations (40 and 50 pads) Not available
  2. Reefer receival and delivery (old yard and Modules) Not available at the following times:
    • 04:00hrs – 07:00hrs
    • 12:00hrs – 15:00hrs
    • 20:00hrs – 23:00hrs
  3. General Cargo receival and delivery to/from modules is available 24/7.
    • 7th November from 2300hr – 8th November 2300hr


  • Old yard operations (40 and 50 pads) NOT Available From 07/11 23:00 to 08/11 23:00.
  • Reefer receival and delivery (old yard and Modules) NOT Available From 07/11 23:00 to 08/11 23:00.

As always, the McHugh and Eastwood team are closely monitoring the situation daily and will do our best to ensure that our customers are informed. For questions and clarifications, you may reach out to the Customer Service team at customerservice@mcheast.com.au.

To learn more about the team at McHugh & Eastwood, click the button blow.

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